Our Churches

Details of our churches can be found below. To find them on a Google Map, please click this link.

All Saints

Join us each Sunday at 10.30am.

All Saints is located in Huntingdon Market Square (Market Hill). Gates are closed to the Market Square at 10:00am and open at 4:00pm making  the High Street and Market Square  a pedestrian zone only.  The High Street is a one way street and can only be accessed after 4:00pm for Blue Badge holders, loading and unloading.

The nearest car parks to All Saints are in St Germain Street and in Malthouse Close, off Princes Street.

The nearest Blue Badge Holders parking for All Saints is in Princes Street outside the Library.  All car parks have Blue Badge holder parking areas  

You can find us on this Google Map.

St Barnabas

Join us for Holy Communion each Sunday at 9.00am

St Barnabas is in Medway Road,  just off Coneygear Road in Huntingdon. There is an on-site car park behind the church

You can find us on this Google Map.

St Mary's

St Mary's Church is on the one-way section of the High Street coming from St Mary's Street, next to the Saxongate Centre

For parking to visit St Mary's, use either Malthouse Close or Trinity Place (off Hartford Rd)

St Mary's has double yellow lines outside for Blue Badge holders, but please do not park across the entrances or on the pavements. Thank you

If you are setting up for an event at St Mary's, drive  your vehicle into the churchyard via the entrance

The nearest Blue Badge Holders parking for All Saints' church is in Princes Street outside the Library.  All Carparks have Blue Badge holder parking areas.  

Our Sunday Worship is normally in All Saints, just a few minutes walk away, at 10.30 am.

You can find us on this Google Map.

If you would like to visit any of our churches outside of public services and events please contact the Church Office via email - office@huntingdonparish.org - or call 07458 300614